Wiki How to Drive a Car Safely , Never drink and drive.Wiki How to Drive a Car Safely , Never drink and drive.

Never drink and drive. Everyone knows that they shouldn’t drive after drinking, but it’s worth repeating. At minimum, drinking impairs your judgement and slows your reaction time. At worst, it causes blurred vision and loss of consciousness.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in the year 2012 31 percent of all fatal traffic accidents in the United States involved an alcohol-impaired driver.

Any driver with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 or higher is considered to be alcohol-impaired in the eyes of the law and if you are caught, you may be arrested, forced to pay a fine, charged with a DUI and/or sentenced to jail time.

You can easily avoid drunk driving by arranging to get a ride home with a designated driver, getting a cab, or arranging to stay at someone else’s house. Drink driving is never worth the risk.


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